Thrill of the Chase: Best Boat Chase Scene

All guys know the best part of any movie is the car chase scene. You’re guaranteed to hear gears jamming, tires squealing, and engines screaming at high RPM. Some would even go so far as to say everyone wishes they could be in a car chase once in their lives – Okay fine, but it’s safe to say that if someone WERE stuck in a car chase, they would wish that they’d have the Bandit’s ’77 Black Trans Am.

But what about boat chases? Sure they are a little more rare in action movies, however I know there are some good ones out there.

The Italian Job has all kinds of fun chases, whether be with boats though the canals of Venice, or Mini Coopers though the sewer system. James Bond movies come to mind. Quantum of Solace gets an Honorable Mention.

However a bit more obscure, I think there is one that stands out. A piece of 70’s film magic, Puppet on a Chain seems to take it for me – there’s nothing like high-speed chase through the tunnels and canals of Amsterdam. You know everything filmed there was real – no computer animation or the safety of green screens to water down the effect – just PURE excitement!

Look at how fast those little runabouts are blazing through those reefs!

What’s your favorite?